Operagata 34-36

Part of Oslobukta

Operagata 34-36
Bispevika Nord
Total sqm
Commercial properties
Number of premises

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As a landlord, our goal is for you as the tenant to be able to receive both advice and assistance. We wish to listen to your needs, hear your ambitions, and not least, offer you the best possible service.
Fredrik Lekven Lien
Property management head


Bispevika Nord consists of multiple commercial and residential buildings and makes up Oslobukta’s retail and cultural hub. The project Vannkunsten was awarded Building of the Year in 2021. Bispevika Nord is Oslobukta’s retail and cultural hub. Operagata is packed with shopping, retail, and names like Holzweiler and Thune. With an emphasis on more practical retail like Jernia on Dronning Eufemias Gate, this is becoming an exciting and dynamic shopping district.

Situated along the canals between the docks, Kulturgaten givers visitors the sense of strolling along the canals of Venice or the fishermen’s cabins in Lofoten. Restaurants, galleries, and experiences are all packed together here.

The natural hub of Bispevika is Stasjonsallmenningen, an open plaza right between Munch Brygge and Bispevika. Here, visitors can enjoy a wide selection of food and drink at the fjord. Among these are Maaemo, which has been offered three Michelin stars and offers world-class food.

The area also features offices and apartments in the storeys above street level. A mere five-minute walk from Oslo S, Bispevika is the natural gateway to Oslobukta, which connects Middelalderparken and Barcode. Bispevika Nord consists of 38 premises with various restaurants, retail shops, and cultural experiences.

Director of Living & Leisure
Pierre Puggaard
Managing director
Hege Brattlid
Camilla Lilledahl
Property management head
Fredrik Lekven Lien
Team lead @Alva
André Sannerhaugen
Property management head
Joachim Wolf Stensland
Christian Østby
Board chairperson
Carl Erik Krefting

Founder of Carucel, with over 30 years of experience as a real estate investor. Before founding Carucel, Carl Erik Krefting was part of the founding of Søylen Eiendom. Krefting has spent more than 20 years as a partner of the law firm Thommessen Krefting Greve Lund (Thommessen) and holds a cand.jur. from the University of Oslo (UiO).

Board member
Caroline Krefting

The head of real estate investment and development at Carucel since December 2016. Experience as Asset Management Officer at Steen & Strøm and Associate of both Deal Advisory and Audit at KPMG. Krefting has a master’s degree in applied economics and finance and a bachelor’s degree in business management from the Copenhagen Business School.

Board member
Kjersti Hobøl

Administrative director of the retail company Nille. Experience as board member of XXL, Aspelin Ramm, Byggmax and Elektroimportøren. Broad experience from a background in the boards of retail companies and many other leadership positions.

Board member
Hans Petter Høegh

Finance director of Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Group and administrative director of KGJ Eiendom. Wide-ranging board experience from real estate firms such as Søylen, Winta Eiendom, and BSA Berlin, as well as from investment companies such as Procerta AS. Høegh has held multiple positions as finance director and holds a master’s degree in economics and administration from Université de Lausanne.

Board member
John Giverholt

His experience includes the position of administrative director of Ferd, group director of DNB, and assistant finance director at Hydro. Wide-ranging board experience from organisations such as Kongsberg-Gruppen, Telenor, Scatec Solar, and Gjensidige. Giverholt has a bachelor’s degree in economics from University of Manchester and is a state-authorised auditor from the NHH Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).